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GERI supports your dream to fly high!

The Global Education Research Institute supports your dreams. Begin your journey to greatness through the GERI Honor Program.

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Korea TOP Universities Transfer Program
at GERI Partner Universities

For students without prior knowledge of Korean language: Apply to the GERI Honor Program, study Korean language, general education courses, receive coaching for top university applications, and transfer to the third year of a top university after completion.


Korea's top universities offer excellent programs taught in Korean. Therefore, many talented international students face difficulties in gaining admission to top Korean universities. For international students, the best way to gain admission to these top Korean universities and receive education in Korean is through the GERI Honor Program. In this program, students study Korean language, general education courses, and major-specific subjects in English for 2 years and then seamlessly transfer to a top university.

Education Goal: All students participating in the GERI Honor Program transfer to the third year of Korea's top universities upon graduation.


GERI Honor ABA Programs
(to 3rd Year Transfer)

GERI Honor Program: at Kimpo University 


The GERI Honor Program is the best way to enter top universities in South Korea. It is a program where students spend 2 years at Kimpo University, acquiring proficiency in Korean and completing an Associate BA degree, and then seamlessly transfer to the third year of South Korea's top universities. In the Korean university system, obtaining an Associate BA allows students to transfer to the third year regardless of their major. That's why GERI collaborates with Jangan University, one of the finest 2-year colleges in Korea, to offer the 2+2 Guarantee Transfer Program called the Jangan Honor Program. Students will receive coaching to ensure their successful transfer to a top university.


2024 Fall Admissions are Open

GERI Korean Language Honor Program
(Direct Apply to Freshman)

GERI Honor Korean Language Program:

We will offer from the Summer of 2024.

Students with TOPIK levels 1 to 2 will study in the GERI Honor Korean Language Program to achieve TOPIK Level 4 proficiency. They will dedicate 6 months to 1 year to improve their Korean language skills, ultimately obtaining a TOPIK Level 4 certification. Alongside their language studies, students will receive guidance through GERI's Admission Coaching Program to gain entry into the top programs offered by Korean universities.

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